Wealth, Financial and Asset Management in Chattanooga, Tennessee
Barnett and Company
is in the running for “Best Investment Firm” in the area’s outstanding businesses in the News 12 Viewer’s Choice Awards. We would greatly appreciate your consideration as one of Chattanooga’s Best!
Voting is open to the public, and participation is voluntary.
No compensation was paid for this nomination.
Since 1983, Barnett & Company has provided personalized investment counsel. Our firm specializes in Wealth and Asset Management, Financial Planning, and Estate Planning consultations.
At Barnett & Company, we are dedicated to providing high-quality service to meet the unique needs of each client. We regard the management of our clients’ investment accounts as an ongoing process of consultation. We regularly meet with our clients to help ensure alignment with their evolving goals and needs.
Past performance is not indicative of future results. All investments involve risk, including potential loss of principal.
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Perspectives from the desk of
Warren Barnett
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How A Banking Panic Differs From A Banking Crisis
The closing of three financial institutions in the past week has sent a sense of crisis through the financial world. Deposits are insured at FDIC institutions up to $250,000. Some accounts are many times this number....
To Reduce Inflation And Not Sink The Economy: Increase The Work Force
It should be obvious by now to everyone that increasing interest rates to slow the economy is not resulting in lower inflation. It is obvious to the Federal Reserve, who nevertheless continues to increase rates to kill the...
Playing With The Country’s FICO Score: Possible Consequences Of Debt Standoff
As of last Thursday, the United States Government reached the limit of its authority to borrow. While some evasive actions are being initiated by the Treasury Department to keep the government open and pay its obligations,...