Wealth, Financial and Asset Management in Chattanooga, Tennessee
Barnett and Company
is in the running for “Best Investment Firm” in the area’s outstanding businesses in the News 12 Viewer’s Choice Awards. We would greatly appreciate your consideration as one of Chattanooga’s Best!
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No compensation was paid for this nomination.
Since 1983, Barnett & Company has provided personalized investment counsel. Our firm specializes in Wealth and Asset Management, Financial Planning, and Estate Planning consultations.
At Barnett & Company, we are dedicated to providing high-quality service to meet the unique needs of each client. We regard the management of our clients’ investment accounts as an ongoing process of consultation. We regularly meet with our clients to help ensure alignment with their evolving goals and needs.
Past performance is not indicative of future results. All investments involve risk, including potential loss of principal.
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Perspectives from the desk of
Warren Barnett
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Perception Vs. Reality. Why Bonds Are Not A Safe Haven
Advocates of formulaic investing along the lines of 60 percent stocks, 40 percent bonds are not doing so well these days. Year to date, bond indexes are down about 13 percent. This is the second consecutive year of negative...
What Happens To Stocks When Interest Rates Rise? A Historical Pattern Gives Us A Clue
Like today, in 1979 the perception was that inflation was out of control. The hapless administration of G. William Miller at the Federal Reserve had left its reputation for control of the purchasing power of the...
Oil Refinery Economics: How A Shortage Of Refineries Cause An Increase In Gas Prices
Economics 101 - Law of Supply and Demand: legislating oil refineries decreases supply With the exception of a small refinery launched in North Dakota in 2014, no new oil refineries have been built in the United...