1938 Redux: Who Will Gain And Lose From Ukraine

Someone once wrote, “History does not repeat itself, but it does rhyme.”  The current Russian invasion of Ukraine has been compared to the 1938 German invasion of Czechoslovakia.  Like Nazi Germany, Russia made a series of escalating demands on Ukraine and...

Ukraine, Russian, And The End Of Free Trade

As this is written, the invasion of Ukraine continues to evolve.  While talks are scheduled, there is little hope of a diplomatic solution. A product of the Ukraine war waged by Russia is an international condemnation of the conduct of the Russian government in...

Forecasting 2022: The Road Steepens

Warren Barnett 30 December 2021 The New Year will bring all sorts of changes.  A stock market floating on cheap money and excess funds will learn to float with less or capsize in the process.  Many speculative enterprises like cryptocurrencies, electric...

Can Crypto Go To Zero? You Betcha!

Can Crypto Go to Zero? You Betcha! Of all the asset classes traded today, none has the need for a collective set of beliefs as much as cryptocurrencies.  These virtual assets fluctuate widely in value, which is set supposedly by supply and demand.  The...